Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Times Are a’Changin

The expat life is one of instability. We have talked about this before. When you live in a place like China, it is almost for certain that one day you will leave. Some people know exactly when it will happen and can prepare accordingly but for most of us it is sudden and while not unexpected, quite of a shock when we are actually faced with the reality of change.

After many months of speculations, we can finally announce that changes are about to happen to the STARA team.  At the end of this year, Stacey and her family will relocate to Sydney, Australia.  I am very happy for them, of course, and wish them all the luck, but am devastated since I will not only loose my business partner but also my best friend.

So, what does this mean for STARAfood?

Well, most important, we will not quit – that is of course not an option. Unfortunately the cooking classes cannot continue as before since we will loose the kitchen (I don’t think the new tenant at Yosemite C2194 will enjoy having me around) and my own kitchen is not appropriate for teaching. We are currently discussing where (let us know if you have any connections!) and at what capacity we can continue to teach but, until we have found a new spot, I will be available for private classes at your home and I will also hold them regularly at Clicias.

We will also continue to work with Liduska, baker extraordinaire from Lidu’s Sweets, and also with Cheryl, Style Maven, so together we are for sure moving STARAfood into 2016 and beyond.

We are also working on a book to tell our story of this amazing journey we have been on. A book of recipes, for sure, but also about our philosophy and approach to food, wine and entertaining.

Stacey might move to Sydney, but she will only be an email, text or plane ride away. Understandably she will be very busy with her relocation preparations in the upcoming months but never fear, our classes will go on as planned.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either of us via email, facebook or wechat.